Betekenis van:
difference of opinion

difference of opinion
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • iets waarover je het niet eens bent; punt van discussie; punt van meningsverschil
  • a disagreement or argument about something important




difference of opinion
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • elk in een geding naast het hoofdgeschil opkomend twistpunt
  • a disagreement or argument about something important




difference of opinion
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • antagonisme
  • a disagreement or argument about something important





  1. We had a slight difference of opinion.
  2. The examination of the methodology revealed a difference of opinion in the Committee.
  3. The examination revealed a difference of opinion in the Committee regarding one of the sub-categories of the solution.
  4. However, in the opinion of the Authority [26], such a minor difference as the one in this case is not sufficient to establish the existence of State aid in favour of Sementsverksmiðjan hf.
  5. Pursuant to Article 13(3) of Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1553/89, the solution proposed by Austria was examined in its entirety by the Advisory Committee on Own Resources at its meeting on 10 December 2009. The examination revealed a difference of opinion in the Committee regarding one of the sub-categories of the solution.
  6. There seemed to have been a difference of opinions between the Province and the ‘Directie Noordwest’ of the Ministry of Agriculture concerning the application for co-financing, in particular with regard to the innovative character of the project. For this reason, IKC gave a second opinion.
  7. In exceptional circumstances, exposures to public-sector entities may be treated as exposures to the central government in whose jurisdiction they are established where in the opinion of the competent authorities there is no difference in risk between such exposures because of the existence of an appropriate guarantee by the central government.
  8. Pursuant to Article 13(3) of Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1553/89, the solution proposed by Austria was examined by the Advisory Committee on Own Resources at its meeting on 26 October 2010. The examination of the methodology revealed a difference of opinion in the Committee.
  9. However, in the opinion of the Authority [26], such a minor difference as the one in this case is not sufficient to establish the existence of State aid in favour of Sementsverksmiðjan hf. Rather, it indicates that the payment constituted a fair market price.
  10. That would possibly differ from case to case.In the opinion of the Authority, this difference in net price of ISK 2,1 million between the estimations made by the independent expert and the price finally paid by the State Treasury is so minimal that it provides no evidence that the purchase price did not reflect market terms.
  11. In the Authority's opinion, the European Commission's WRAP decision [59] is not relevant in this regard. The difference between the two cases is that in the case of recycling, the Guidelines do not provide for any provision on investment aid, whereas renewable energy investment support is covered by the Environmental Guidelines.
  12. However, in fact this loan category replaced the categories of social loans which could be granted pursuant to Act No 97/1993. As referred to Section I., the maximum percentage of these types of loans and the criteria governing entitlement were almost identical. Thus, the main difference in the rules regarding these types of loans is that the Housing Act provides that these apartments could, subject to certain conditions, be sold on the general market for a market price. The Authority is of the opinion that these legislative changes did neither materially change the circle of possible recipients of social loans nor extend the activities of the HFF in that field compared to its predecessors.
  13. That finding was, in Italy's opinion, incorrect since, for the purposes of assessing Fincantieri's production capacities, the tonnage delivered in 2003 did not correspond to the tonnage actually produced in that year. Italy claims that the production data were consistent with capacities observed in the past and in any event did not exceed the maximum capacity levels. (29) The production data demonstrate in Italy's view that even in the years that would have been most busy, namely 2002 and 2003, the production volumes for the Monfalcone, Marghera and Sestri Ponente shipyards would not have diverged by more than 20 % from historical values. As regards the payload (accommodation and air conditioning), which is the significant and distinctive part of the work on ships of this type, the difference is even more marked in the case of the Sestri Ponente shipyard (which increased its output from 1863 tonnes in 1998 to 14303 tonnes in 2003); such a steep increase was facilitated by using subcontractors and extending the scope of their responsibilities via turnkey contracts.